Ahhh! (500ml)
A refreshing bitter bite yet with a fruity ”Ahhh, that’s good.” All that walking in a pine forest, full-bodied goodness sprinkled with a little zesty tangerine and pleasant herbal and citrus character. Like fine Earl Grey. Ahhh!
A bitter bite, malty body, and pine forest citrussy properties. Some pale ale malts, pilsner malts, crystal malts, adding Amarillo, Cascade, Chinook, and Columbus hops. And then rounded off with just the right amount of bubbles. Pinball West Coast IPA was born.
Now tweaking it even further by switching back Simcoe for Amarillo and adding a fair amount of Idaho 7. Giving you that ahhh-feeling from first to last sip.
£3.20 Regular Price
£2.88Sale Price